The “omniscope.js” library includes a helper for using the Query API. This helper handles URL endpoints and network communication, and lets you focus on creating query input objects and interpreting query output objects.
omniscope.query.builder(omniscope.view.endpoint()) .table({groupings: [], measures: [{function: "RECORD_COUNT"}]}) .on("error", function(event) { if ( console.log(; omniscope.view.error(,; }) .on("load", function(event) { console.log([0][0]); }) .execute();First, create a query builder for the file's data:
You can also omniscope.view.queryBuilder() which pre-configures the builder with the view’s filter state.
Then, choose a query endpoint. The most common Query endpoint is table
, which requests tabular data a little like
SQL, with groupings and measures (aggregations).
Then pass a query input object. For Table queries, the simple approach is to pass a SimpleQuery
groupings: [],
measures: [
{ function: "RECORD_COUNT" }
In this example we have no grouping levels so the data will be rolled up to a single record. We have one measure, the number of records in that single record. This is expected to produce a single-cell table (one row, one column).
Now add callbacks to handle the result:
.on("error", function(err) { if ( console.log(; omniscope.view.error(,; }) .on("load", function(event) { // do something with })Finally execute the query:
.execute();In this example, in the "load" handler, event data will be like this:
"schema": {
"fields": [
"name": "RECORD_COUNT",
"type": "NUMBER"
"records": [
[ 12345 ]
So to extract the record count in this case, use[0][0]
This is a semi-auto-generated SimpleQuery for querying aggregated data, illustrating the structure of the object:
"groupings": [
"inputField": "example",
"type": "UNIQUE_VALUES",
"name": "example"
"measures": [
"name": "example",
"inputField": "example",
"function": "RECORD_COUNT"
"filter": {
"type": "AND",
"filters": [
"type": "FIELD_VALUE",
"inputField": "example",
"operator": "=",
"value": "example"
"sorts": [
"inputField": "example",
"direction": "ASCENDING"
"range": {
"start": 123,
"length": 123
For full documentation of the Query API, visit the Query API docs via the link given in the View Designer, which include JSON schema Docson docs for input/output objects such as the groupings and measures shown above, broader example objects, and REST API Swagger docs including a facility to try out queries in the browser.
Next tutorial: Example Query API calls (simple)