Query API Tutorials

Getting started

The “omniscope.js” library includes a helper for using the Query API. This helper handles URL endpoints and network communication, and lets you focus on creating query input objects and interpreting query output objects.

    .table({groupings: [], measures: [{function: "RECORD_COUNT"}]})
        .on("error", function(event) {
            if (event.data.error) console.log(event.data.error);
            omniscope.view.error(event.data.message, event.data.internal);
        .on("load", function(event) {
First, create a query builder for the file's data:

You can also omniscope.view.queryBuilder() which pre-configures the builder with the view’s filter state.

Then, choose a query endpoint. The most common Query endpoint is table, which requests tabular data a little like SQL, with groupings and measures (aggregations).

Then pass a query input object. For Table queries, the simple approach is to pass a SimpleQuery:

    groupings: [], 
    measures: [
        { function: "RECORD_COUNT" }

In this example we have no grouping levels so the data will be rolled up to a single record. We have one measure, the number of records in that single record. This is expected to produce a single-cell table (one row, one column).

Now add callbacks to handle the result:

.on("error", function(err) {
    if (event.data.error) console.log(event.data.error);
    omniscope.view.error(event.data.message, event.data.internal);
.on("load", function(event) {
    // do something with event.data
Finally execute the query:
In this example, in the "load" handler, event data will be like this:
  "schema": {
    "fields": [
        "name": "RECORD_COUNT",
        "type": "NUMBER"
  "records": [
    [ 12345 ]

So to extract the record count in this case, use event.data.records[0][0].

Schema by example

This is a semi-auto-generated SimpleQuery for querying aggregated data, illustrating the structure of the object:

  "groupings": [
      "inputField": "example",
      "type": "UNIQUE_VALUES",
      "name": "example"
  "measures": [
      "name": "example",
      "inputField": "example",
      "function": "RECORD_COUNT"
  "filter": {
    "type": "AND",
    "filters": [
        "type": "FIELD_VALUE",
        "inputField": "example",
        "operator": "=",
        "value": "example"
  "sorts": [
      "inputField": "example",
      "direction": "ASCENDING"
  "range": {
    "start": 123,
    "length": 123

Further reading

For full documentation of the Query API, visit the Query API docs via the link given in the View Designer, which include JSON schema Docson docs for input/output objects such as the groupings and measures shown above, broader example objects, and REST API Swagger docs including a facility to try out queries in the browser.

Next tutorial: Example Query API calls (simple)